Monday, February 26, 2007

long overdue blog

well my Mother's battle is finally over, she passed away so peacefully on Feb 15th. she loved snow like I do and it snowed the morning we buried her. Everyone was there with the exception of one grandson, her only grandson left and he chose not to come, His son was heartbroken and he could not even get above himself to show up for his only grandmother's funeral. His cross to bear, I actually was surprised, my Mother worshiped him and this was how he chose to repay her unconditional love.

I took last week off and my wonderful SIL from Anchorage was here, we had a ball, she kept me on the go so I couldn't think!! it was a wonderful time, just fun and carefree week, I really needed that, I am sure I will be lost for a while, I won't be trekking to the Nursing home, twice daily before and after work. I spent tonight after work by catching up on emails.

At work today I got lots of cards, a plant some candles and tons of hugs and kisses, it is so nice to work with great people. I even got some homemade pimento cheese, a loaf of bread, chips and cokes, and paper plates and napkins from a friend who I had done the same for when her Mother died. She and I both went with bright colors and she got a darling card, not a sympathy card a fun card. We are so alike!!

well gotta run, just had to let ya'll know my precious Mother's ordeal is over and she is now in Heaven with my family who have gone ahead of her! I hope my brother is happy, he has his Mother back...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Precious Peyton

Forgot to congratulate the wonderful Indy Colts...that good ole RockyTop training really showed up with Peyton huh??

Exciting and Fun Family Day

My great niece, (I was there when she was born) is having her 1st baby in May so her aunts on her dad's side of the family and some others gave her a wonderful brunch shower today, so much fun, my brother who passed away a couple of years ago was her grandfather, my SIL and two nieces from GA was there today along with their sister( the new granma to be) both of her girls and lots of their extended families, 7 babies under 6 months old and their mommies and granma's. Lots and lots of fun and wonderful, Cade is going ot have everything he could possibly ever want.
the booties and bonnet to match I had knitted and a darling cap I had crocheted were a big hit along with two shawls my daughter had made on looms and I had crocheted edges. My sister candle wicked all these little farm animals on muslin and made a quilt out of it, Adorable even tho my sister wasn't happy with her binding, I thought it was fine and everyone had a fit over it.

well need to get back to the afghan I am making with homespun. Monday found out the Hancock's in my town was closing, I am sick, I love their yarn and beads!! so gotta stock up before May and they close!!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

how southern are you??

well I took this quiz I copied off another site, it is the one that says what American Accent do you have, whew mine was 97 % southern, I always knew it was country and southern so I wasn't surprised.

well we enjoyed Mother's 90th birthday yesterday. What a surprise it was to still have her after all she has been thru since last July. the Hospice nurse still says it is only a matter of time, her heart is so weak they have to look at her to make sure she is even breathing, she is one strong willed lady! or as my daughter affectionately says "Stubborn Old Woman". I am content now tho since she reached the 90 mark, the Good Lord can take her anytime now, I will be lost for a while since I go mornings before I go to work and nights before I go home, sometimes I even come home and eat and go back with my knitting and just sit with her if she is having a really bad day, she now has immense pain in her lower back, they aren't sure why, they have started the morphine based compound that they give every hour if needed into her mouth, I ask them to keep it light till we got thru yesterday. It seemed to be almost too much excitement for her but, shy of my son, his wife , my teenage nephew and two great nieces, her family shared the day together for a couple of hours, my grandson's mother brought him and stayed as well, I was so thankful I could spend the time with him as well. I pray daily my son will come around to his senses but it is his choice not to be a part of this family not mine and I have done the best of my ability to raise two children to have their own minds and make their own desicions.

This morning we woke up to a small snowfall, about 1 1/2 -2 inches. Bobby had to go to work so I need to get busy and clean some while he is gone.

Have a wonderful Super Bowl day, I am going to watch both Knitty Gritty and GO Precious Peyton's SuperBowl back and forth.