Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Knitting along

hello people, it's been a while huh? Mother is about the same, hard to believe we made it thru the holidays, 4 months ago we would never have believed she'd be this strong a lady! around Christmas they changed some of her meds, and now she is able to eat, has even gained 5 lbs since Christmas. She will be 90 on the 3rd of Feb!
My oldest turned 37 yesterday, she was teased badly about being "almost" 40. her husband is 2 years younger and he was unmerciful about her being so much older than him..ha.
I have finished several scarfs and am now working on a afghan made of knitted squares from Lion website. it is made of homespun, that stuff is just so soft, then you just whip stitch the squares together and whipstitch around the entire thing, I think tho I may crochet a lacy edge around, depends on how much thread is left over after I get all the squares done. I just started Sunday and am almost half thru with 2nd square. Between working and going to the nursing home I think that is pretty quick.
I am enjoying all my yahoo groups, Crochet one I like finally moved to yahoo and the digests are much better, congrats Kim on being named editor to Interweave Crochet Mag...and as always I love reading BusyKnitting.
my great niece is having her 1st baby and I gave her a blanket I had crocheted for Christmas, I finished booties and am working on the hat to match for her shower in a couple of weeks, I have another hat done I crocheted but I am afraid it will be too tiny, not having someone to fit to isn't as easy as it looks on the's been 10 years since my darling grandson Daniel was a baby and I don't remember how little or big his head was..ha
Well I need to go get dressed for work, it is a chilly 21 here this morning! Brr but at least no snow, kinda am ready for a good one tho!