Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I got into Ravelry last week so I am slowly learning but it has bee so easy so far. It is a site still in progress but it is very user friendly! I have joined several groups and I am not real sure how to chat it up yet but I am having fun in it for sure!
Man it has really turned cold suddenly but it is a nice change from the HOT HOT we have been having, November it is time for some chill!
some distressing news at work today, we are outgrowing our building so bad that they are moving my department to the warehouse here in TN it is only about 10 minutes from where we are now so it isn't like they are moving across the state or anything but the bad part is they are leaving me at Support Services with the Purchasing, which is fine by me I don't think I'd like that extra drive, it is just going to be different with my bosses and co-worker(best friend) on one side of town and me on the other...Computers, have their advantages and disadvantages that is for sure! But they have been building another building for 3 years now maybe they really will now..I hate Change!

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

I hate change too. :*(

My department is completely being uprooted and some of us might lose our offices and just so much bs going on.

Our hospital is building a multi-million dollar tower that won't be ready until 2009 so I feel your pain!!

Love you and miss you - Happy Holidays! E-mail me sometime: