Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Happy Easter

Sunday will be Easter so since I blog so infrequently I thought I'd better say it now. I am currently knitting a prayer shawl in Lion Brand Coverd Bridge Red in honor of my Mother, I chose the red since she died the day after Valentine's Day. It is turning out beautiful and since I am knitting it on size 13 needles it is going really fast, plus I have been taking it to work and actually taking a break, well all but yesterday. It was a Monday from Hell, I got there around 7:15 and left at 5:30 then on my way home there had been a wreck and traffic was backed up for a couple of miles inching along, I did a U and took a back road (LONG WAY) home, but it was better than sitting forever! By the time I got home it was almost 7:00pm and I usually get here around 5:30 so I had a long delay, but once I got home Bobby had already feed the goats, and we had cooked a lot Sunday so no cooking anyway, I went to bed early tho!!

Today will be a better day, gotta go get ready for work...oh a new email friend from one of my Yahoo Groups I am in sent the cutest booklet on Tin Can Hats, think I'll do a big straw one with my Mich Ultra cans, won't that be cute at the "Spring" this summer!!

Make it a Great Day!!

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