Friday, July 14, 2006

ya know life sometimes just sucks

and the past two weeks my life is living proff, was suppose to have my grandson for a whole week whil I took vacation but in my son's wonderful words, "Plans Change" would have been ever so thoughtful if he'd have shared those changes BEFORE I ask for a week vacation, I'd have only ask for the one Day he ALLOWED me the honor of having my darling boy, man jealousy is a terrible thing among children and the older they get the worse it seems to get! then if that isn't terrible my next news is horrible, my beautiful daughter lost her baby Wednesday, had to have a DnC yesterday! she is so unhappy she wanted thsi baby and so did I but maybe next time, at least we now know she can get pregnant!!! we for years thought she never would.

work just sucks!! wish I could quit, I am looking tho, 12 years seems to be plenty of time there! not sure I can stand may more days! maybe this family shit is getting to me tho and not really work, nope it is really work.

laid the baby projects aside, I am now back to mindless scarfs, need to do those no thought projects for a while!!!

well I am saying goodnight, I am no company for even myself today! I will try to post more cheerful news next time, thank you world for listening to a mother's woes.

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

Oh Karen, I am very sorry to hear about your daughter. I can see how such circumstances can be discouraging. :(

You're right, life sometimes just sucks.

I'm sorry that work isn't go well either. You know a lot of people that you "network" with at work...vendors and whatnot, maybe they have an opportunity for you?

Have a great weekend :)