Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sadly Sunday already

Sundays are bittersweet, they are a day to rest and recoup and also the day before you go back for a week of struggle and strife if you have a high stress job and who doesn't these days. Of course we should all be thankful to have jobs this time in our lives, but it is sad to think in a few short hours we'll be up and running strong again. Today Bobby and I went to Lowes, and Walmart then he took us to breakfast at Ryans, always eat too much there but I love those waffles with cherries and whipped cream...also the big fat porkchops. Then it was back home, a couple of loads of laundry and read the paper, knit a little, feed the goats and dang if it isn't time for supper which was yummy, Bobby cooked a huge pot of chili. now a couple of emails later I'm blogging then back to knitting and wind down for bed. Smooches All.....

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